Friday, October 8, 2010


2010 10 8

신이가 입니다! Lol let me speak in English. I haven’t quite learned how to type in Korean…If I had a writing board then I could totally do it otherwise…Speakin of Korea I really wanna go there…I think its so kool…I wanna go and stay for a month or longer if time permits lol…I have a handful of friends from there so I don’t think there would be a prob to stay….its getting there that’s the hard part..It costs so much money to go…Just about $2000 and more..I gotta save up a lot every month…and then save extra to buy clothes and souvenirs…Its gonna be hard but when I get done with the “situation” I and get a job and start saving for this future trip I want so badly…

Hmmmm…Why Korea???  Lol I don’t really kno myself…I guess Japan was too crazy for me lol…I have family there so I prolly should go but idk the first place to look…I guess if Big Bro is reading this he should get the address so I can visit there too..but then I will have to learn Japanese again coz I kinda forgot a lot of things and unlike Korean I cant read anything in Japanese..(I don’t like to talk to grandma sometimes ugh..I don’t like the words she uses-randomness)…Actually I have never really been able to…I can read more things in Chinese than in Japanese..I always found it complicated so I commend people who aren’t Japanese who can read it and understand…Im just a talker not a reader when it comes to that lang…But anyways back to Korea…The entertainment business is the best part…They come out with some of the best groups and entertainers that are known and loved by girls (guys too lol) all around the world…And I already explained about the clothes in my other post…I got hooked what can I say lol…Its like a New York and LA combined but in Asia…with a lot of Asians lol

I want to go to that big ass Mall there that Shinee went to in the Hello Baby episode…Although I would be majorly overwhelmed I would be so happy (in heaven more like it lol)…Plus I have never really been in such a big city not even here in the US…

start it at 3:48

I’m hoping I see someone famous too lol…Seoul is like the Koreas Hollywood/LA…Seeing a Star King Episode live would be nice too lol…Lol I was just thinking…Theres this guy in Japan he’s black too… IDK y he’s there..prolly a teacher or  something…But anyways he goes around asking asian guys in  Japan if they like Black women…Lol Maybe is should do that in Korea..Just ask random Korean guys if they like black women…I do plan on videoing my trip so maybe I should..but I don’t want to scare anybody lol esp with the stuff in my face hahahaha…

this guy is

Another thing I wanna do is eat a whole bunch of Korean food!!!!  I love Korean food..its my favorite J (DIGITAL BOUNCE! DIGITAL SOUND! DIGITAL X! WELCOME TO DIGITAL WORLD! lol I like that song)..

Oh yea I wanna get hard lens there too but idk if I can cause im American..One of my Korean friends have contact lenses but they r hard ones so they last for about 2yrs…I think that is so cool..I never really considered contacts until I saw hers..i always thought that I would have to keep buying them cause they don’t last long….

I just wanna walk around and have fun with my friends!! That’s all lol..I wanna take video and tons of pics when I go..I hope I get better cameras when that time comes…

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