Friday, May 31, 2013

Silicone Mix and Creme of Nature w/ Argan Oil

Ok so this a rundown of how I used these products and how my hair looked afterwards

Recently I've been hearing good things about this Silicone Mix stuff so I decided to try

I also decided to buy some wrap set lotion from Creme of Nature w/ Argan Oil because I just needed some....

My sink is hella cluttered..

So this is how my hair looked before

kinda flat from a days work lol

I wanted to start off with clean hair so I washed mine

I have a relaxer so this is what it looks like after washing

The product itself is kinda runny so be careful..

I then parted my hair in sections to easily comb the product thru my hair

with product on hair

I let it sit for about 15-20 min then washed it out (sorry no pics..didn't really see a difference afterwards anyway)

I then proceeded to add some of the wrap set lotion and blowdry my hair

i have to tape it to stay on lol

after blowout

After that I flat ironed my hair (not very well tho lol still getting the hang of this haha)

 That night I wrapped my hair and this is how it looked today (with some minor adjustments with a flat iron)

As far as the feel, its nice but not too much different than before I used the product other than the fact that my hair has more volume but that usually happens when I wash and style my hair..

Note: the Silicone Mix is very strong smelling (strong perfume) and my hair still had the scent the next day, but the Argan Oil foam wrap smells great

Overall I think maybe it would have worked better if my hair was natural versus relaxed...


  1. I find you absolutely beautiful.

    Argan Oil is the best. I actually just got into these products not to long ago. Do more reviews & tuts.


  2. Aww Thanks! You are too!

    I think my next review maybe about Argan Oil (just oil) ...I've been hearing good stuff about it lately.


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