Friday, May 31, 2013

Silicone Mix and Creme of Nature w/ Argan Oil

Ok so this a rundown of how I used these products and how my hair looked afterwards

Recently I've been hearing good things about this Silicone Mix stuff so I decided to try

I also decided to buy some wrap set lotion from Creme of Nature w/ Argan Oil because I just needed some....

My sink is hella cluttered..

So this is how my hair looked before

kinda flat from a days work lol

I wanted to start off with clean hair so I washed mine

I have a relaxer so this is what it looks like after washing

The product itself is kinda runny so be careful..

I then parted my hair in sections to easily comb the product thru my hair

with product on hair

I let it sit for about 15-20 min then washed it out (sorry no pics..didn't really see a difference afterwards anyway)

I then proceeded to add some of the wrap set lotion and blowdry my hair

i have to tape it to stay on lol

after blowout

After that I flat ironed my hair (not very well tho lol still getting the hang of this haha)

 That night I wrapped my hair and this is how it looked today (with some minor adjustments with a flat iron)

As far as the feel, its nice but not too much different than before I used the product other than the fact that my hair has more volume but that usually happens when I wash and style my hair..

Note: the Silicone Mix is very strong smelling (strong perfume) and my hair still had the scent the next day, but the Argan Oil foam wrap smells great

Overall I think maybe it would have worked better if my hair was natural versus relaxed...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Circle Lens Journey!

So the thing about circle lenses...they're awesome...thatisall

*wishes she could end a post like that*

Ha! Well I've been wearing lenses for...2 1/2 years now? yea I think so..

I probably should have done a post for all the ones I have gotten until now..derp..

But anyways I bought my first pair through

They were Geo XCK105 Super Black  (Fobby Barbie link because I think YesSytle is a bit on the expensive side)

If light is shining in the right place you can see my brown eye color thru them

I really liked these when I first got them..I thought it would be good to start out a little subtle..without any real color...I noticed that when people take a look at me up close they know that something is off but they can't put a finger on it lol thats when I usually have to tell them that I'm wearing lenses..

btw I wore them for a photo shoot because I knew the light would reflect off them perfectly

These were nice but I noticed they fogged up often (maybe oil build up...whatever it was I didn't like it) I think normal life span of all the lenses I've had has been a year but those started doing that at like 2 months.

My 2nd and 3rd pair I got at the same time...

Geo Princess MiMi Chocolate Brown

These were ok..To me they looked so unreal (generally that isn't a problem since they are fake) and my intentions when i bought them were for them to be the more realistic pair since they were brown (supposedly) like my own eyes...I also had a problem with the contacts..they seemed unbalanced on my eyes like...i can't really explain..just not right...

When eyelashes attack!

Geo Princess Mimi Sesame Gray

These by far were my most favorite! I loved the Gray color...other people loved them on me aswell...People mistook them for my own often.

BTW the Geo Princess Mimi Series are 15mm lenses

The last pair i got and have currently are the Geo Princess MiMi Green Apple

These are cool but seem very dark but that could be because of my own eye color...they are like the brown ones in that they are very unrealistic..i thought they would be similar to the the gray ones but they don't seem that way on my eyes :(


Size Difference

Close up Size Difference

BTW Ordering from Fobby Barbie was great and now they have a US warehouse so now you can get some of the orders really quickly!

As far as comfort with my lenses:

Black: 7.5 out of 10  I usually had to reapply them to feel better and often that didn't change the feeling but these were also my first lenses so it just may have been discomfort due to a new experience.

Brown: 10 out of 10            

Gray:  10 out of 10                                   THE Geo Princess Mimi Series has been very                                              


Green:  10 out of 10

I think the next pair I want to get will be the 

Geo Mari Gold Brown

I'm looking for a more realistic looking pair and I think these are perfect!

What do you think? :)